Storing Books and Paper, Part 1

Close up of row of books

Most people include books and papers in the stuff they store in self storage. But if they don’t store them properly, they might find that the paper has become soft in a bad way. Once soft, it is almost impossible to make right again. This is almost preventable if you store your books and papers with a few guidelines in mind for your storage solutions.

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What Not To Store

While storing your goods because you want more space or to de-clutter can be a great idea, there are some items that you should never bring to our mini storage units.

  • Dangerous goods, or hazardous materials, are solids, liquids, or gases that can harm people, other living organisms, property, or the environment. (Thanks, Wikipedia!) They are subject to chemical regulations and should never be left with a storage company.
  • Our storage units are not designed to keep animals, either alive or stuffed. We don’t allow you to plug in or use any equipment that would maintain an atmosphere in a storage unit that would keep an animal in good shape. Same with plants.
  • For obvious reasons, we don’t allow customers to store any stolen items with our storage company. That could be seen as assisting a criminal act, and we never want to be a part of that.

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